To view the abstracts, please go to
Call For Abstracts
We invite submission of abstracts that are discussing terrestrial analog research relevant to astrobiology or geological processes on Mars. The abstracts discussing field instrument testing in terrestrial analog environments are also welcome.
All abstracts are poster only. Based on the abstracts and the informations from the submission form we will decide about the participation in different breakout groups.
The abstracts should include the next chapters:
- Introduction
- Mission Description. Use this chapter to address whether your terrestrial analog can help solving particular science issue relevant to specific past or current missions or perhaps may be relevant to some future mission to Mars
- Scientific Merit. This chapter should address the scientific merit of your analog research/site to the mission objective including the most important scientific question that could be answered by this particular analog site.
- Logistic and environmental constraints of the field site
Abstract Deadline — Tuesday, June 25, 2013, 5:00 p.m. U.S. Central Daylight Time (GMT -5)
- No late abstracts will be accepted, regardless of the reason.
- Abstracts sent by e-mail will NOT be considered; they must all be submitted using the electronic abstract submission form.
- Abstracts are limited to one page.
- All abstracts must be submitted in PDF format.
- All abstracts must be submitted in U.S. letter size format (8.5" × 11") and must include a one-inch margin on all four sides; A4 submissions will be rejected by the system.
- Abstract file sizes must be no larger than 1.5 MB; larger files will be automatically rejected by the system.
- If not using the template provided leave a one-inch margin on all four sides of your document.
Authors are encouraged to start the submission process early so the USRA staff will have time to provide assistance in the event of technical problems. For technical assistance, contact Linda Tanner (281-486-2142), or send an e-mail message to
Unable to Produce PDF Files? Authors who are unable to produce a PDF file may send their source files (must be in Word or PostScript format) to USRA no later than June 18, 2013. A PDF file will be created and returned to the author, but it is the author’s responsibility to submit that PDF file by the time of the abstract deadline. Source files should be sent to
Preparation and Submission of Abstracts: